Crafter leveling up at Ishgardian Restoration Part 3 Lv. 60 recipe (from Lv. 63 Gears and Macro)


Finally, you are now Lv.63! However, Lv.60 recipe is a bit tricky. You can’t make it with Lv. 60 gears. You need at least Lv.63 gears. If you are not Lv. 63 yet, please check Lv. 20~41, Lv.41-63 to level up.

At first, look at what you need to make and what the materials are

What you need to makeMaterial from The DiademOther material you need
CarpenterGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Spinning Wheel– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Spruce Log
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Alumen
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Ragstone
1 Titanium Nugget, 4 Wind Crystal, 2 Ice Crystal
BlacksmithGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Hatchet– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Electrum Ore
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Ragstone
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Gold Sand
1 Dark Chestnut Lumber, 4 Fire Crystal, 2 Earth Crystal
ArmorerGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Cookpot– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Spruce Log
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Electrum Ore
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Alumen
1 Cloud Mica Whetstone, 4 Ice Crystal, 2 Earth Crystal
GoldsmithGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Embroidery Frame– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Vine
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Electrum Ore
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Gold Sand
1 Cloud Mica Whetstone, 4 Wind Crystal, 2 Fire Crystal
LeatherworkerGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Leather Sack– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Tea Leaves
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Toad – 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Spring Water
2 Ramie Thread, 4 Earth Crystal, 2 Wind Crystal
WeaverGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Broom– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Spruce Log
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Mistletoe
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Vine
2 Straw, 4 Lightning Crystal, 2 Wind Crystal
AlchemistGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Holy Water– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Mistletoe
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Spring Water
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Toad
2 Rue, 4 Water Crystal, 2 Lightning Crystal
CulinarianGrade 4 Skybuilders’ Tea– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Mistletoe
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Tea Leaves
– 5 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Spring Water
2 Sun Lemon, 4 Fire Crystal, 2 Water Crystal

There are three options for making Lv. 60 recipe.

A: Making the least rarity one with Lv. 63 gears (No accessories)

B: Making the middle rarity one with Lv. 63 gears, accessories and food (Dagger Soup @415 Gil) or Materia

C: Making the highest rarity one with Lv.66 gears, accessories and food (Blood Bouillabaisse @3,737Gil) or Materia

**Must finish Lv. 65 job quest to get the skill “Manipulation” 

A: Making the least rarity one with Lv. 63 gears (No accessories)

Gears and stats

ItemsHow to get
Main tooldifferent from each jobs, check the list below
Sub tooldifferent from each jobs, check the list below
HeadRuby Cotton Cap (Lv. 63)shops (15,681 Gil)
BodyRuby Cotton Coatee (Lv.63)From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (26,136 Gil)
Hand Gyuki Leather Gloves of Crafting
(Lv. 63)
From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (15,681 Gil)
WaistRuby Cotton Apron (Lv. 62)From shops (11,286 Gil)
LegsRuby Cotton Bottoms (Lv. 63)From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (26,136 Gil)
FeetGyuki Leather Shoes (Lv. 63)From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (15,681 Gil)
Main toolHow to getSub toolHow to get
CarpenterHigh Steel SawFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)High Steel Claw HammerFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
BlacksmithHigh Steel Cross-pein HammerFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)High Steel FileFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
ArmorerHigh Steel Doming HammerFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)High Steel PliersFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
GoldsmithKoppranickel Ornamental HammerFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)Stiperstone Grinding WheelFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
LeatherworkerHigh Steel Head KnifeFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)High Steel AwlFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
WeaverBombfish NeedleFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)Larch Spinning WheelFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
AlchemistHigh Steel Thermal AlembicFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)High Steel MortarFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)
CulinarianHigh Steel Bomb FrypanFrom the shops (27,086 Gil)High Steel Culinary KnifeFrom the crafter’s job quest (Lv.63) or shops (28,512 Gil)

Craftmanship: 801 Control: 734 CP: 193

Macro for making the least rarity one (Required stats: Craftmanship: 706 Control: 631 CP: 152)

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Synthesis"

B: Making the middle rarity one with Lv. 63 gears, accessories and food (Dagger Soup @415 Gil) or materia

Gears and stats

ItemsHow to get
Main toolSame as the above
Sub toolSame as the above
HeadRuby Cotton Cap (Lv. 63)From shops (15,681 Gil)
BodyRuby Cotton Coatee (Lv.63)From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (26,136 Gil)
Hand Gyuki Leather Gloves of Crafting
(Lv. 63)
From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (15,681 Gil)
WaistRuby Cotton Apron (Lv. 62)From shops (11,286 Gil)
LegsRuby Cotton Bottoms (Lv. 63)From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (26,136 Gil)
FeetGyuki Leather Shoes (Lv. 63)From the crafter’s job quest (Lv. 63) or shops (15,681 Gil)
EaringLarch Earrings (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
NecklaceLarch Necklace (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
BraceletsLarch Bracelets (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
RingLarch Ring (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)

Craftmanship: 816 Control: 743 CP: 323

→With Dagger Soup, Craftmanship: 816 Control: 765 CP: 323


You can buy Dagger Soup from NPC, food shop in Ishgard or Kugane.

→With materias (You need 20 more control)

E.g. Craftmanship: 816 Control: 767 CP: 323


You can take out these materias after you finish using these gears!

Macro for the middle rarity (Required stats: Craftmanship: 706 Control: 763 CP: 323)

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Synthesis"

C: Making the highest rarity one @Lv.66 gears, accessories and food (Blood Bouillabaisse @3,737Gil) or Materia **Must finish Lv. 65 job quest to get the skill “Manipulation” 

Gears and stats

ItemsHow to get
Main tooldifferent from each jobs, check the list below
Sub tooldifferent from each jobs, check the list below
HeadKudzu Cap of Crafting (Lv.65)From shops (17,249 Gil)
BodyKudzu Robe of Crafting (Lv.65)From shops (28,749 Gil)
Hand Durium Chaplets (Lv.65)From shops (17,249 Gil)
WaistSerge Apron (Lv. 66)From shops (13,662 Gil)
LegsKudzu Culottes of Crafting (Lv.65)From shops (28,749 Gil)
FeetTigerskin Boots of Crafting (Lv.65)From shops (17,249 Gil)
EaringLarch Earrings (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
NecklaceLarch Necklace (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
BraceletsLarch Bracelets (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
RingLarch Ring (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
RingLarch Ring (Lv. 63)From a shop (11,880 Gil)
Main toolHow to getSub toolHow to get
CarpenterDoman Iron Halfheart SawFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Doman Iron Claw HammerFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
BlacksmithDoman Iron Lump HammerFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Doman Iron FileFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
ArmorerDoman Iron Raising HammerFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Doman Iron PliersFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
GoldsmithDurium Texture HammerFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Slate Grinding WheelFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
LeatherworkerDoman Iron Head KnifeFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Doman Iron AwlFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
WeaverDzo Horn NeedleFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Pine Spinning WheelFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
AlchemistDoman Iron AlembicFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Doman Iron MortarFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)
CulinarianDoman Iron FrypanFrom Lv. 65 job quest or the shops (31,363 Gil)Doman Iron Culinary KnifeFrom the shops (32,788 Gil)

You can exchange some of the gears for Yellow crafters’ scrip, but you can save it for other things.

Craftmanship: 890 Control: 814 CP: 342

→With Blood Bouillabaisse, Craftmanship: 890 Control: 846 CP: 395


You can buy Blood Bouillabaisse (3,737 Gil) from NPC, food shop in The Crystarium.

→With materia (You need 14 more control and 28 more CP)

E.g. Craftmanship: 890 Control: 828 CP: 370

Macro for the highest quality (Required stats: Craftmanship: 706 Control: 828 CP: 370)

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac "Inner Quiet" <wait.2>
/ac "Manipulation" <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides"
/echo next macro! <se.10>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Synthesis"

All right! That’s it for Lv. 60 recipe at Ishgardian Restoration. I will work on Lv. 70 recipe soon!


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