I finally could make Exarchic Rapier for my RDM!! Skill examples


My one of the goals of crafting is making Exarchic gears. I thought I couldn’t make it until I made all Aesthete tools. However, I could make it with my present gear!!! My present gear is here, if you want to check. Basically, tools: Handsaint, gears: Aesthete with materias.

My Stats is Craftmanship: 2,784 Control: 2,743 CP: 542

What you need to make Exarchic gears without Aesthete or Skybuilders tools

I was lazy to upgrade my Skysteel tools and make all crafters Aesthete tools. What I did was

Step 1: Make Aesthete gears for gatherers

You can skip this step if you don’t mind to buy HQ materials. But you need at least 3 HQ materials to make without Aesthete or Skybuilders tools. (The beginning quality should be more than 6,754) I made my gatherers’ gears (only Head, Body, Hand, Waist, Legs and Feet but with Materia melding.) So that I can collect HQ materials from legendary spots.

Step 2: Prepare food

You need Chili Crab HQ. I couldn’t make Chili Crab by myself, (because my fisher is not level 80 yet lol) so I bought it on market board. It was not super expensive when I bought it.

Step 3: Simulate with your stats

You can use Simulator (I used FF14 ORE Tools, but it is better if you can use it in Japanese. English version is a bit wrong) to check if you can make it or not. However, it is better to start with practicing to see how much quality you are missing and if you can finish making it.

I used this skill set to make

Intermediate Materials Durability: 35 (E.g. Solstice Ingot, Duraluminum Ingot etc)

Stats: Craftmanship: 2,784 Control: 2,813 Required CP: 614 (with Chili Crab HQ)

→Quality: 39,992 / 46,746 (If you use 3 HQ materials, you can make HQ gear 100%. The initial Quality should be more than 6,754)

/ac “Reflect”
/ac “Manipulation”
/ac “Veneration”
/ac “Observe”
/ac “Focused Synthesis”
/ac “Observe”
/ac “Focused Synthesis”
/ac “Innovation”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Innovation”
/ac “Prudent Touch”

/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Master’s Mend”
/ac “Innovation”
/ac “Great Strides”
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing”
/ac “Veneration”
/ac “Observe”
/ac “Focused Synthesis”
/ac “Observe”
/ac “Focused Synthesis”
/ac “Basic Synthesis”

Exarchic gears Durability: 70

Stats: Craftmanship: 2,784 Control: 2,813 Required CP: 592 (with Chili Crab HQ)

→Quality: 40,547 / 56,662 (The initial quality should be more than 16,115)

/ac “Muscle Memory”
/ac “Inner Quiet”
/ac “Veneration”
/ac “Waste Not”
/ac “Manipulation”
/ac “Groundwork”
/ac “Groundwork”
/ac “Preparatory Touch”
/ac “Innovation”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Innovation”

/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Prudent Touch”
/ac “Innovation”
/ac “Great Strides”
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing”
/ac “Observe”
/ac “Focused Synthesis”
/ac “Basic Synthesis”

**some CP left, so if your craftmanship is not high enough to make, you can add “Veneration” after “Byregot’s Blessing”

I need to run some roulettes to get more tomestone to exchange materials, but now my RDM IL is 493! The required tomestone is less than if you just want to get gears from exchanging tomestone. (However, you need more other materials lol)

After I make Exarchic gears for my tofu tank, I will start making skysteel tools and Aesthete tools for all my crafters. (but now I’m interested in getting Resplendent tools for my gatherers. Seems like it is not difficult, but takes time lol)

Stay tune the next article!


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