How to get Augmented Exarchic gears (IL520)

Daily play

After you finished making Exarchic gears, you can upgrade it from IL510 to IL520


You can do it @Eulmore, Hillicen

Step 1: Get Crystalline Rain

You need to get Crystalline Rain from exchanging Allagan Tomestone of Allegory. Each Crystalline Rain needs 100 Tomestone. Also required Crystalline Rain is different from each gears. Please check the list below for more details.

Part of gearsRequired Crystalline Rain
If you want to exchange all the gears, you need 38 Crystalline Rain, means 3,800 Tomestone.

Step: 2 Take out the gear and exchange it to Eulmoran Certificate of Grandeur

Take out your gear and talk to Hillicen. Pick Earn Eulmoran Certificate of Grandeur (HQ), if you want to exchange HQ gears. (I believe no one is going to exchange NQ.) Choose the gears you want to exchange, so that you will get enough Eulmoran Certificate of Grandeur for the IL520 one.


Don’t forget to take out Materia if you put it on your gears!

Step 3: Get the new IL520 gears!

After you got enough Eulmoran Certificate of Grandeur, talk to Hilicen again and choose Purchase Augmented Exarchic Equipment. As long as you have enough items, you will get the new gears.

Your name as a crafter on the gear will be deleted! SO SAD ><

In this process, you can change the gears for different jobs or different part gear.

E.g., I made two Exarchic Coat of Fending HQ for tank by mistake. But if I exchange one of them to Eulmoran Certificate of Grandeur and get 5 Crystalline Rain, I can get Augmented Exarchic legs for RDM.

I hope this article helps you! Now I’m busy working on finishing MSQ lol I am still patch 5.3… There are a lot of things to want to do!!! I don’t have enough time ><


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