Crafter Patch 6.1 New Shining Weapon for Reaper, Dancer and Sage! Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't updated the blog so long... The house I lived will be torn down so I needed to move out. I... 2022.04.17 CrafterGatherer
Crafter Patch 6.0 Goldsmith leveling up! Guildleve at Old Sharlayan with macro Vivi !!SPOILER ALERT!! I put some pictures of maps!!! Lv.80 Ametrine Ingredients: Chloroschist x 4 R... 2022.01.12 Crafter
Crafter Patch 6.0 Armorer leveling up! Guildleve at Old Sharlayan with macro Vivi !!SPOILER ALERT!! I put some pictures of maps from patch 6.0!!! Lv.80 High Durium Nugget Vivi You wil... 2022.01.10 Crafter
Crafter Patch 6.0 Culinarian leveling up! Guildleve at Old Sharlayan and collectable with macro Vivi !!SPOILER ALERT!! I put some pictures of maps from patch 6.0!!! Lv.80 Northern Sea Salt Ingredien... 2022.01.08 Crafter
Gatherer Patch 6.0 Farming White and Purple Gatherer Scrips! Schedule and alarm macro I finally make my both Botanist and Miner level 90. I started farming Yellow and Purple Gatherer scrips! I need tons of... 2022.01.03 Gatherer
Crafter Patch 6.0 Blacksmith leveling up! Guildleve at Old Sharlayan with macro Vivi !!SPOILER ALERT!! I put some pictures of maps from patch 6.0!!! Lv. 80 High Durium Nugget Vivi You wi... 2021.12.30 Crafter
Crafter Patch 6.0 Carpenter leveling up! Guildleve at Old Sharlayan with macro Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed End walker. Me? I enjoyed the story a lot!! My real life was super super busy (worked till mi... 2021.12.27 Crafter
Crafter How crafters and gatherers will change in FFXIV patch 6.0?? Is there any thing to prepare? I can't wait for patch 6.0! Seems like there are a lot of changes on crafters and gatherers. Let's see what will be cha... 2021.11.14 CrafterGatherer
Crafter Is it worth to do “Kugane Guildleve”? -Carpenter Lv. 60 to Lv. 70- Farming crystals! I used some Kugane Guildleves while I was leveling up my crafters. I was wondering Kugane Guildleve is worth to farm Cr... 2021.09.19 Crafter
Crafter Macros for farming White Crafters’ scrips (Lv. 80) Once your crafter's Lv reached 80, you will think about gears. The easiest way to get gears will be using White Crafter... 2021.09.11 Crafter